Out of four modes of communication, word to word communication is the simplest but inefficient way to communicate. Many times in life we felt that my expressions are limitless and these words have got some limitation. Some of these moments are Absolute love, Extreme pain, Enormous Joy and Celestial beauty. The place where you are standing right now is that place, a place of limitless expressions and limited words.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Sakshi Bhav "An Observer"
Friday, December 9, 2011
"Wisdom Seller"
कलयुग में दारु मिली, खूब दबाकर पी.
Friday, December 2, 2011
@ 25
Monday, November 28, 2011
If I am not married (Don’t be serious it’s a joke)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
My Fingernails
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Turning into a monk - I
“What I have to do to become a teacher?”
This question seems very simple but sometime a simple question becomes a so surprise element that hearing such question brings goose bumps in body. And it transcends you to extremely silent moment where “expressionless” is the best term to define that moment. And no doubt at that point of time words are not enough to explain the joy.
It’s a story of a girl whose complete transformation took only four month. If someone ask me to measure, then I’ shall simply say from one point of quadrant to another point opposite in sign. From negative infinity to positive infinity. And truly speaking this is the magic of a guru. A guru handles you and your mind so efficiently, that even a complicated path becomes simple. Guru takes you to a journey where you never realize the distance traveled. A guru transforms lives in just fraction of a second. A stimulant thought and a voice comes from inside says, I have to do this.
I personally know this girl from the day one of her spiritual birth. Two years before she tasted the flavors of this dish. There is no doubt that she enjoyed the seven days of time span as much as others. She learned some tools and techniques and made new friends, and I was one of them. She was living happily and enjoying each and every bit of her life. We use to interact with each other once in a blue moon. She uses to share the experiences of her practices and I usually try to motivate her to keep moving. The best part of life is that, it allows us to play whatever role we want to play in this theatre and we never realize that when we start loosening our one string. The same thing happened with her also; in the charm of happiness she left the string of spirituality. This was the time we were hardly speaking to each other. It was like connection fading away.
Luckily, four months before we saw each other online and started the long due conversation. It was really a long duration since we last ask each other;” How are you? We found some left out talks and started asking questions. Somehow in between the conversation I realized that something is not fine. Somewhere, something is missing. On the first day I did not felt comfortable in asking the real cause. But, one thought that crossed in my mind was, “I should do something”. I felt like someone is continuously telling me to go forward and ask. I followed my will and started talking regularly. The funniest part was at that she was only telling about her physical problems, suffering from this and that, some allergies of environment to hitting a door and getting a pain. I use to always smile and say;” Everything will be fine”. I knew that its not a physical problem which is hurting her, actual problem is at the top floor of the building. And then a day came when I gave her first blessing with all my faith and prayer. Please take care of her. I don’t know how that worked but she told that it was like fine tuning the old radio. Effect was such like after that blessing she went to office and enjoyed the day. We gave momentum to our conversation and decided to meet.
After long time when I saw her I couldn’t believe myself. The face of the clock was showing 12oclock. Each and every dimension was out, whether it was a physical dimension or mental. Specifically she was giving me a fake smile, a smile which was not supporting her at all. While interacting to her I came to know that; her kites of emotion were flying without any string. I blessed her again and saw some water particles are supporting the gravitational force. I personally believe that a person only show tears when situation is beyond the imagination. It took almost 30 minutes to bring her fake smile back. Silence was the only way to bring her actual spontaneity back. I left that place with one promise that she is going to join the next silence program.
And here comes role of a guru. The best part of a guru is he will set you free, He will allow you to run, and save you just one moment before falling. And that is what happened. Guru pulled her into silence. This was the month of June and a silence program was about to happen in gurgaon. I just passed this information to her with a faith. I had this gut feeling inside me that this is going to be miraculous. The thing, which will make her completely hollow and empty. The four day journey had begun. I still remember her face, her body language on day one, a complete silent and resistive attitude; It was looking like her mind is full of doubt. I suggested her, whatever you are carrying here in your mind just put that into botheration basket. Day passed she went into silence, she did sahaj Samadhi, and the power behind her guided her to take all the right decision at that point of time. She had been facilitated with everything like a child. Program came to an end and I got an opportunity to talk to her. It was my first shock, a completely changed personality with all positive frames of mind. It was like someone did put her into a mould for four days and did all the treatment and made a new package. The way she was laughing, speaking and walking was miraculous.
Story did not end here. Four months before there was a person who use to be apprehensive with each new step became a decision maker, a bundle of joy, a nest of rest. I again disappeared from her connection after that course. One fine day I got her call, a HELLO, like someone is roaring with energy. I presumed this is DSN energy and it was. It was the month of august, and she returned from a program called DSN. DSN with Anandji. Anandji is a person whom I can call a transformer. Anandji has got a capability to transform cat into a lion. Then I realized how smooth she is sailing after crossing one barrier, one bad phase of life. I personally believe this is one of the biggest changes I have seen in my life. She touched each and every aspect of spirituality, whether it’s listening Ashtavakra Geeta, doing group sadhna or Sewa, everything. Now status is she is asking this question;” What I have to do to become a teacher?”
Life never shuts all the doors together; it’s our vision which can see only one direction. When one door is shut we never dare to look the door just next to it. She dared to do that and she is my “Turning into a monk – I”.Sunday, November 6, 2011
"Achievement Joke"
Friday, October 21, 2011
The four quadrant of my life

Starting from a toothbrush in my mouth to the last sip of water before sleep I call it a day, so do others. In between these two moments I have to cross an ocean everyday. Sometimes my journey is pleasant, sometime it is other way round. And after finishing the each day’s journey only one question comes in my mind. Who is directing this movie? And why he is so interested in continuing this since ages? So perfect director of a movie where character comes and go, replacement takes place, only faces change not the role. The director’s role is to just send the millions of thought in millions of brain. And character starts their role. Is it not amazing that each and every moment the thoughts are coming and going? And next moment new chain reaction. Like a milestone standing beside the road and car passes each and every moment. WOW.
And then what thought do, very smartly stimulate the feelings. Either a good feeling or a bad feeling, and then like a blind horse I start moving trying to catch good feeling. No doubt next moment I get that good feeling grabbed. Holding tightly like, this is what I wanted, and someone laughs at me and asks: You got it? And next moment a magical wand do a magic leaving me behind with a bad feeling for the same object which I grabbed just a moment before. And I find myself empty handed, standing at the middle of a tide. Tide of thoughts. Then director says: CUT. Next thought, Next feeling and no doubt next race. The amazing thing is in dreams also I am running. LOL.
This four quadrant my of life, which is making a perfect 360 degree, a perfect circle and I am running on the periphery of it. And these quadrants are nothing but the quadrants of mathematics the combination of a variable ‘X’ and ‘Y’ with perfect combination of ‘(+)’ and ‘(-)’. ‘X’ denotes the thoughts and ‘Y’ denotes the feeling.
Quadrant 1: Off course positive thoughts and positive feeling. This is rare moments of my life but I am not untouched of it. The quadrant of Bliss. A deed of mine, when I bring perfect 70mm smile for my fellow runners. It gives me immense pleasure and feels like time has stopped here. And no doubt director also smile on me and say: Yes! That’s the real one.
Quadrant 2: “Change is the only constant thing” no doubt then I move from Quadrant 1 to Quadrant 2. A Negative thought with Positive feelings. Quadrant of Lust. No doubt it gives me pleasure satisfaction and joy but for limited period of time. And the moment I finished that, I left with regret in my mind.
Quadrant 3: Then slowly I find myself on the third slice of a pizza. A negative thought with a negative feeling. The quadrant of greed and jealousy. The beauty of life is it gives me each and every slice. And that’s why I love life. The slice of negative thought is no doubt bitter in taste but I always blame my feelings for it. As an actor I perform that rape scene, killing people and slitting heads. And this is what I am paid for from my director. For a director the villain’s role is as much important as of a hero. And that’s why I started thanking for the journey of third quadrant. I don’t know its good or a bad but for me it’s an act.
Quadrant 4: Then I find myself on a territory of positive thought and negative feeling. The journey of this quadrant is also very interesting. The quadrant of doubt. In this I doubt each and every good thing in my life. I know that if I’ll go behind this thought I’ll be happy but my feelings put an extra amount of cons to it and pros disappear. Someone says: “I trust you” and my mind asks: really?
6AM becomes 12 PM, Monday becomes Sunday, January becomes December and four digit number reaches to its successor. My role changes and no doubt I am becoming an experienced actor every passing day. I am moving through the four quadrants everyday, leaving no stone untouched, satisfying my director. With a toothbrush in my mouth in the morning and last sip of water before my sleep.
Friday, October 14, 2011
The word “Orthodox” is changing!
The shaadi season has begun and I am also getting news that some people around me are preparing themselves to ring the wedding bell. I congratulate them and they reply me with a blushing face and warrior smile. Its good people start taking responsibility to grow our society horizontally. Then conversation continues they speak about their spouse, education, life, country (If NRI), color, etc. The conversation itself shows the enthusiasm on other side of the river.
Thanks to our ancestor who developed a cast system and divided zones by keeping some surname copyright. They made it so easy that just by name people can identify the cast and choose their set of people. But I think my generation took some responsibility to break the barrier. In-between the conversation I come to know that “Orthodox” Brahmin is marrying a Baniya, Rajput is marrying a Brahmin and all sorts of permutation and combinations. Few years back I use to listen that because of this some couple had been discarded from their community and not it is frequent. Is my society changing? Is my society increased its tolerance limit? Are we more inclined towards a better life partner rather then a community matrimony barrier? Whatever the question be it sounds interesting for me.