Friday, December 27, 2013

The last leaf of the tree

Today, when I came out in my balcony saw some dense fog blanketing all over the place. The slow wind was blowing, reminding the most of the winters that I spent in this place. The balcony witnessed so many changing moments of the life of mine, be it times from smoking a puff of cigarette to meditating in the midst of whole noise around here. I always believe that time is not real, it is as imaginary and superficial as the flame of the candle, it is there, but it is not there. For everybody including me time is different and run with a different pace. Its behavior is better observed when sit on railway platform and see some people struggling to get into the train and some already got into it or can better be observed when stand beside the highway and see different vehicles moving with different speed with the convenience of the people sitting in those, some are fast, some are slow.
Every time I go into my balcony the tree in front of my house makes me stop for a while, gives a gentle and warm welcome, saying “here are you again”. I and this tree started some of the journey together. When I came here the tree was very small and was making an effort to grow, survived all harsh weathers and seen the most heated gloomy sun lights. Five years after tree has grown, its branches are slightly away from my balcony and I am very sure sooner or later it is going to touch the iron pipe on which I lit the candle in diwali. This summer the tree has shown some unusual behavior. Like every summer, this summer it did not drop its leaves. I was quite surprised, but at the same time I was happy, because this summer I wanted that it should protect my balcony visible from the market just in front of it. Sometimes nature behaves quite strange and gives surprises that we all deserve.

This morning, when I saw that tree, I found that tree has stared shedding its leaves. Almost thirty to forty percent of leaves have already been shed, gave me an indication that now people or a person can stand in market and see my balcony. But no worries at all, even if somebody will intentionally try to find me in my balcony or try to remember the peanuts moments, I’ll not be here accompany for those moments. With each and every falling leaves my time to leave this place is coming closer. By the time all the leaves will be gone from the trees, from the market you’ll find an empty balcony or somebody else residing here. After more than five years, the time has come to say; “Goodbye Gurgaon”.