Monday, September 15, 2014


Disgracefulness – What it should be - an art or an act? The question is not who is disgraceful, but how and why someone chooses the path of disgracefulness. Rather what is the human behavior all about and do circumstances influence the individuals to act?

This reminds me one of the Saturday’s discussions in my office. Fortunately, some of intellectual brains are available in my office to have a healthy conversation or a discussion and Saturday is the best time to do that. The question arose form an atheist guy, proud of saying that he is an atheist, that why do we need a God. Both side gave the inputs from pre-vedic era to modern belief of religion, including Brahminism, sati pratha and ashwamedh yagya. Some of the points came from the context of a book, “Theory of Justice” written by John Rawls, a gentleman from Harvard. It also went to the extremities of enlightenment of “Buddha”. But overall conclusion and outcome was totally different, that the religion has nothing to do with God. Moreover, it is more related to only two words “belief” and “convenience”. It sounds very awkward but it’s astonishing.

Point is not to discuss the religion, but what belief and convenience can do. Precisely, each and every act whether it’s religious or non religious is based on belief and convenience. Humans’ belief is based on the experiences of five senses or the believed thoughts. Indeed belief can believe anything but convenience play a major role in budding both in the behavior. And here comes disgracefulness in the picture. When belief and convenience supersede the commitment the disgracefulness arises. Personally, I am not inconvenient of disgracefulness now, because its not my inconvenience is important but, prescribed artist’s convenience is.

Before this B-belief, C-convenience and D-disgracefulness is “A- adore”

Let’s be cheerful!!!

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